Friday, March 6, 2015

Victorious: Part 4


“Ma’am,” the flight attendant looked at me sternly, “you need to shut your phone off.  Now.” 

I sighed and rolled my eyes, more in frustration with the situation than with her.  I looked at the empty seat next to me and angrily shut my phone off, stuffing it into my coat pocket.  Although I was angry, there was an underlying edge of fear starting to creep in.  “Where the hell are you, Luke?” I whispered to myself.

I examined the diamond on my left hand, noting that it needed to be cleaning.  I ran my fingers through my tangled flaming curls, antsy.  I started tapping my foot.  I blinked back the tears that were starting to burn at the corners of my eyes.  Luke was supposed to be on this flight with me, but he didn’t show at the airport.

Really, it was my fault, probably.  I was the one that forgot my parents’ Christmas gift in my dorm room.  Luke dropped me off at the airport to get our bags checked, and then he took my keys back to get it.  He had jokingly told me to get on the plane if called to board, that he would make it.  But yet, here we are, taxiing down the runway, and there is no Luke beside me.  Fucker.  He probably purposely stood me up.

I looked out the window, watching us float higher and higher, Lincoln’s lights growing smaller and smaller.  Turning into dots.


I gazed at the ring dazzling on my left ring finger.  I was still in a state of wonder over the previous night.  Luke had sold his car just for me!  For us.  Our family we were going to have.  I rubbed my tummy and rolled onto my back, to look at Luke, still sleeping next to me.  I kissed his forehead and got up, preparing to make breakfast. 

Luke was working at a local factory now, and had his own apartment.  He had sold his car to save for our baby and buy me a ring, and bought a cheap beater to get him to and from work.  I had just started senior year.  No one knew I was pregnant, yet.  Since I was just a few months along, I luckily hadn’t started showing and was able to (barely) get into my cheer uniform without any wayward glances from my squad.

I stayed at Luke’s apartment as much as possible.  Although my parents were controlling, they also didn’t care too much about me.  After I’d go in my room and close my door they never came to check on me, so I would just sneak out my window.  I was always up and gone to school before either of them ever awoke, so I just didn’t bother going home and would go to school from Luke’s.

After he slipped the ring on my finger, we had discussed that until I started showing and people knew I was pregnant, I would wear the ring on a delicate chain around my neck.  I already knew the judgmental hillbillies would all say I was too young.  I mean, I should at least wait until I’m graduated!

I finished making the eggs, pancakes, and sausage and went to wake Luke.  I leaned on the bed and kissed him, shaking him gently.  His eyes fluttered open and he grinned at me, and sat up, kissing my stomach first, and then me.  I started bouncing up and down, having to pee.  Luke laughed and asked, “Bladder being squished?”

“Yes!  She’s probably going to have your height genes!  Already affecting me.  She’s making my back hurt already, too!  Or maybe it’s just your mattress.”  I stuck my tongue out at him.

“She?”  Luke cocked an eyebrow at me.

I winked and skipped to the bathroom, calling to Luke that breakfast was on the table.

When I sat down, that’s when everything changed.  I looked at my panties and saw a bright red stain.  My eyes widened.  I had done all of my research.  I knew that bright red or pink was bad.  And at 10ish weeks, I was still in the high miscarriage time. 

I don’t know how long I was sitting on the toilet, staring blankly at my hands, picking at my nails.  My lower backache I attributed to Luke’s bed had slowly wrapped its way around to my abdomen, and it felt like cramps.  Suddenly.  I doubled over, and starting crying.

And that’s how Luke found me.  He took one look at me and knew what was happening.  He helped me clean up and get prepared, holding me and crying with me.  It was the beginning of the end.


As soon as the plane landed I held the power button down, powering my phone back to life.  I waited, impatiently, but no new messages or voicemails came through.  “What the ever living fuck!” I exclaimed to my phone.

I tried Luke again, but it just rang with no answer.  I left another voicemail, something about him taking a nap in my dorm.  I had tried calling him 10 times and sent multiple texts.  Luke had gotten the rental car in his name, so I really didn’t have a way to get to my parents’ or any money to get there.  I called my mom and asked her if she could come get me.  I figured my dad was at the bar anyway.  She obliged, though I could tell she was pissed, since the airport was an hour from home. 

The next morning, I still had no messages from Luke.  But now, when I tried calling him, it was going straight to voicemail.  I hadn’t moved out of bed yet, and was starting to get worried.  I thought maybe I should start calling the area hospitals up there, to see if Luke was in the ICU or something.  I unlocked my phone and was just about to start googling the numbers for Lincoln’s hospitals when my phone started ringing from an unknown number.

Better be Luke.

“Hello?”  I answered, tentatively.

“Yes, hello.  Is this Victoria Watson?”

“Uh, yeah.  Who’s this?”  My heart stopped, as the voice didn’t sound friendly on the other end.

“Victoria, this is Detective Brad Stratton with the Lincoln Police Department.  There’s been an incident with your fiance, Lucas Hammond, and we need you to come down to the station as soon as possible.”


  1. Chris - @nylonlover69 on IG/TwitterMarch 6, 2015 at 10:12 AM

    Damn you, Victoria! How dare you try to make me feel sympathy for you? lol

    But Luke? I hope that Luke get's what he deserves.

  2. Oh, wow! So she did give him her keys, not knowing what he was going to do. I don't know if they could charge her with anything or not. Either way, that girls is going to need some counseling, big time. mum
