Friday, October 24, 2014

Life by Zach - Radio Silence

It’s been a long week. I spent the entire time channeling all of my energy into school and the gym and I am finally feeling like myself again. I spoke with dad yesterday and he asked me to send him a list of medical schools I want to visit, so I am going to start working on that next week. During my visit to New York with Aleah, I realized that I really want a chance to live in an incredible city like New York someday. Perhaps not for the rest of my life, but definitely for at a while. One of the things that I loved the most about New York is that the city has this amazing capacity to make you feel as though can virtually be anyone you want to be, and you will still be able to find a like minded crowd to relate to and befriend. I hope I can make both my dream to go to med school and live in a city like that a reality.
But anyway, enough about all that. Its football time!!! Nebraska is playing today and I decided to head over to a little sports bar near campus with Ben to watch the game. I haven’t had a chance to catch up with him all week and I am excited to watch football all day.
“What’s up bro?” High fives all around.
“Not much, studying, gym…you know.” Shoulder punch.
“If by working out you mean keg stands then yeah dude, I do know!”  Full on wrestling for 5 seconds.
Standard greeting for this bromance.
“Beers all around!!!”
The game was underway and I was having a great time, no drama, no Beth…nothing but a bunch of guys joking around and having a good time. As the game came back from commercial, the camera swept over the crowd of fans in the stadium, along with a brief glimpse of the tailgaters hanging out both before and during the game. Obviously tailgating is something of an art for people, and it is an event that is thoroughly enjoyed all day long. I remembered Aleah’s Aunt and Uncle usually set up a very elaborate tailgate for the Nebraska game, with beers and this amazing food, burgers, brats, and I think they even have other stuff catered in. So good. it’s seriously amazing. I knew she would be there today, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she’s with that guy I saw from the picture. Without thinking, I whipped out my phone and  texted Aleah “Go Big Red!” It seemed like such a natural reaction for me, like I just needed to reach out to her and feel connected somehow. I was sure she would respond; I figured we are friends above all so I should be able to text her if I feel like it. 
I slipped the phone back into my pocket just as a group of girls walked by our table and sat down just a few feet away from us.  I noticed one of them had long brown hair and hazel eyes, and the way she carried herself reminded me of Aleah, which was weird since I had just texted her.  Ben ordered a round of shots which we quickly downed (I promised myself I was only having one).
“Oh yeah!!!!” Ben shouted at the TV, gesturing wildly. At that exact moment, the brunette I noticed earlier walked by and Ben managed to sweep an entire beer off the table and directly onto her.
“Ohmygosh I’m so sorry,” he exclaimed, grabbing napkins and blotting furiously at her legs.
“Ben, dude, calm down.” I pulled him away from her before he was able to attempt to try and dry off her chest, and asked her if she was ok.
“I’m fine, it’s no big deal, just a little beer. I was on the way to the ladies room anyway, so I’ll just dry off in there but thank you.”
“Ok, I’m really sorry about my buddy here, he gets pretty excited and forgets about his surroundings sometimes.”
“It’s really ok.” As she walked away she turned around and smiled at me again, and I have to admit, her smile is amazing.
I went back to watching the game with the guys, and after a while our table sort of merged with the girls next to us. I mean come on, we're guys,  we like having pretty girls around.
When the game was over, we were all still in a pretty festive mood, and we decided to walk to the pub next door.
“Do you ladies want to come with us?” Ben asked.
I glanced at the brunette, who had exchanged a few looks with me earlier but we hadn’t spoken yet. She hesitated, "I'm not sure."
"Come with us, let me buy you a beer to make up for Ben over here spilling on you earlier." I pleaded with a smile.
“Ok. One beer.” she said.
I held the door open for her as we walked out, and after we found a little corner booth I asked everyone what they wanted.
“I’ll have a Blue Moon.” She said.
Yikes, that reminds me of Aleah once again, she loves Blue Moon.  As I walked to the bar, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.
No text from Aleah. Hmm.
I’m not really one to overthink things but that seems kind of strange for her not to even say anything. Was she mad at me? Does she not even want to be friends anymore? I’m so confused…


  1. Gah! These two! "Meant to be" my eye! Why let fate drive one's destiny? Long term relationships suck, but I had one for a year and a half and then married the guy. Happily. Besides, they graduate in a month and then there is one phrase "married student housing". People in grad school (and yes, that includes med school) marry ALL THE TIME. Why would you let a soulmate potentially slip through your fingers? Zach and Aleah need to grow some brains...just sayin'.

  2. Sorry--I mean that they graduate in 6 months...still. That goes by quickly. It really does.

    1. I agree - these two ARE soul mates. Who knows what will happen in the future, they are both going through many life lessons and experiences, and it should be interesting to see where all of that takes both of them. Thank you for reading and for your comment!!

  3. I hope you aren't gonna cross over with Life's Greatest Journey. That blog is going so good now and crossing over will ruin everything.

    1. Life's Greatest Journey is a wonderful blog, one of my favorites!! Thank you for your input, if you don't mind expanding on your comment, can you tell me why you feel this way? Thank you!!

    2. It's one of my favorite blogs too. When the two blogs crossed over before it took away from Life's Greatest Journey. The posts at least of Elizabeth's blog seemed forced and lost the magic they had. Adding Aleah and Zach was fun but took away from Elizabeth's crazy life. Right now so much is going on with that blog. Grant and Britney in jail, Liz moving in with Lukas, Priya/Anthony's relationship, Joe and Lukas fighting, Melissa's wedding and Liz's work stuff. Throwing in Zach wouldn't make sense. It would take away from the things going on plus it isn't like Liz is talking to Aleah or Zach on the regular. When was the last time they texted or talked on the phone? It doesn't make sense in my opinion.

    3. Thank you for elaborating. Everything you say makes a lot of sense. I agree, Elisabeth has a TON going on in her life, and Arianna does such an amazing job with that blog. If there were ever any cross-overs in the future, this feedback is something I will make sure I keep in mind so that readers don't feel like either of the stories lose their momentum. Thank you again for your comment I really appreciate it!!

  4. I have loved reading things from Zach's point of view and getting a back story of his life. I think you have done an amazing job bringing the character to life. There are men like him in this world and it's time that people see that and not always assume men have to be hard or bad ass to be interesting and a great personality. Thank you for sharing this blog! I have loved reading it!

    1. Hi Lindsey. Thank you so much for your feedback, it really means a lot to me and put a big smile on my face!! That is exactly how I want Zach to come across; Aleah has done an amazing job creating this character and I want to make sure I stay true to what a good guy he is. He is a hard worker and a gentleman, and I am excited to continue writing about his life. Thank you again for your comment, and I am always open to any suggestions you may have as well. Have a great week!
