Monday, September 22, 2014

LbA: A Welcome Distraction

Thanks for coming out with me last night.  I had a lot of fun, and would really like to see you again, soon!

I read and re-read the text from Chase over and over again.  Every time, smiling.  He had sent it Saturday morning.  If that text had been a teddy bear, I would've held it to my chest and giddily smothered it from excitement.  Yeah, I'm that girl.

It was now Sunday evening and I was working up the courage to call Chase to tell him I'd like to plan our next date.  He was so thoughtful with the details of the first one, I wanted to try to pay him the same courtesy.  Even though I already knew he was just as into having a second date as I was, I still was nervous.  I always felt guys should do the pursuing.  I'd been lectured from various friends about it being 2014 and taking the bull by the horns and making the move if that's what I wanted, but I was still pretty old fashioned when it came to dating and guys.  I expected to be asked out, I adore chivalry, and I couldn't imagine having a one night stand.  Not to say it may or may not happen at some point in my life, but right now I definitely couldn't imagine it.  And I wouldn't ever ask a guy out on a date prior to date number 3!

Growing up, I was blessed to live in a two parent home where my father set that example before me daily with my mother.  Tom and I had a babysitter every other Friday so my parents could have date night.  On all special occasions my father would leave early in the morning and come home with either a corsage or bouquet of flowers for her, depending on the event.  And he always held the door open for my mother, walked on the outside of the sidewalk, and readily handed over his jacket if she even unconsciously showed signs of being cold.

And then, I dated Zach, who was the epitome of a gentleman.  His dad and mom were from the same old school of relationship thought.  They taught Zach the correct way to be, and I know if he had ever even not held a door open for me- let alone any female- that his parents would've made it known how disappointed they were in him.  And he probably would've been forced to apologize for being a scoundrel and make sure to emphasize that he was "raised better than that."

I sighed, thinking of Zach, and returned my focus to Chase.  To call him and ask him on a date seemed out of character for me, but I also wanted to surprise him, and was excited to do so.  I quickly hit send on my phone, before I could talk myself out of it.

He answered on the second ring.  "Hello?" I smiled, just hearing his smooth voice.  It was quiet in the background.

"Why, hello, Chase!" I rolled my eyes at how cheesy I sounded.  I quickly said, "How are you?"

"Oh, just living the life.  How are you?"

"I'm doing well.  What are you up to?"

"Well, currently I'm talking to this adorable girl that I just recently met, but before that I was just studying?"

"Studying?" I asked, completely missing the compliment he threw my way at first.  "I mean... who is this adorable girl you speak of?  Competition?"

"Yeah, she's pretty hot.  She's got this beautiful smile, piercing eyes, golden glow from the sun, killer personality, and sarcastic wit.  So I'd say you've got some competition, unless you can do better?"  I could hear the smile in his voice.  And I blushed, hearing his words drip over me, and surround me with their authenticity, despite the joking manner.

"Hmmm... I don't know about that.  She sounds pretty amazing.  But... just hear me out... If you like an overly competitive, outspoken, food lover, who sleeps best during thunderstorms, then I could totally put up a good fight for your affection."

He laughed.  "That does sound pretty appealing."

"So, what are you studying?  I thought you had graduated a couple years ago?"

"Oh, I did.  I'm studying for the CPA exam."  He paused, and added, "Certified Public Accountant."

"Ah.  When is it?"

"In a couple months."

I raised my eyebrows, even though he couldn't see me.  I could never fathom studying for a text days in advance, let alone months.  "It must be hard," is all I could think to respond with.

"Yeah, it's pretty intensive." He sighed.  "So what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call today?"

"I'm sorry to keep you from your studying!  I was actually calling because I'd, uh, I wanted to know if you... I mean, I know we talked about going on a second date, and I'd really like to plan it for next Sunday and surprise you this time, if that's okay?"  I stuttered through that horribly.  I shook my head and closed my eyes, thankful that he couldn't see my pained expression.

He chuckled warmly.  "Aleah, firstly, you don't need to apologize.  You are a welcome distraction.  Secondly, of course I would love to go on a second date with you.  However," my heart stopped along with his words, and then he continued, "I really would like to see you before then."

I smiled broadly, "Oh!  I mean, I would, too.  Like you see you before then, not me.  Just, what I have planned would work better next Sunday than in an evening when I got off practice."

"Well, how about this?  I'd like to take you out, this Wednesday after your practice.  And assuming you can still tolerate me, I'll let you plan the third date, for Sunday.  Is that fair?"

"Oh yes!  Of course."  I tried to keep joy contained in my voice, but couldn't.

We got off the phone shortly after, agreeing to a traditional date of dinner and a movie Wednesday.  I did a happy dance and decided to get something to eat.  I perused the fridge and settled on making taco dip, although we didn't have any tortilla chips.  I made the dip first (cream cheese/sour cream/taco seasoning topped with lettuce, tomato, black olives, shredded cheese, and green onion).  I had just put saran wrap over the glass dish when Nellie entered the apartment.  "Hi, Nellie," I said shortly.  We hadn't spent much time together, and I really was trying to be friendly when I ran into her.

"Good evening, Aleah," she wandered over to me, peering over her glasses at the dip I was about to slide into the fridge to keep cool so I could run to the store and get chips.  "Well, that sure looks good!"

"Thanks."  She was looking at me expectantly, and that's when it dawned on me, the conversation I'd had with Maddie, about Nellie and her diet of not eating unless being offered food.  She was fishing.  "I agree, and I can't wait to eat some.  I need to run and get some chips, though.  We don't have any."

She started talking almost before I could finish my sentence, "I can come with you, if you'd like!  I'll even pay for half!"

"Uh, that's okay."  I cocked my head at her.  "I mean, it's only a few bucks, you don't need to help me pay for my chips.  I can swing that.  Why don't you just get a bag for yourself, too?"

"Oh, well, I mean, I could, but I don't have that delicious looking dip to eat with them," she shamelessly countered.

I pursed my lips, willing for the laughter that was bubbling up inside of me to disappear.  "Oh, it's really easy to make.  I can give you the recipe if you'd like."

A look of disappointment crossed her face.  "That's okay.  I think I'm actually just going to do some homework and go to bed."  She crossed through the kitchen and entered her and Maddie's room and closed the door behind her.

I immediately felt guilty.  Normally, I would've offered my food to anyone (assuming I had more than 1 serving), but didn't because I knew her plan.  I started to go to her room to tell her she could have some, but changed my mind, deciding that her "diet" was stupid, and she needed to eat, just healthier.  And she shouldn't put the power of her food consumption in someone else's hands.  With that, I decidedly nodded my head to myself, slipped on some flip flops, grabbed my keys and purse, and walked out the door.

I was rummaging through my purse looking for my phone so I could call Sarah to see if she needed anything, and was about 3 cars away from mine, when I could sense somebody in front of me.  I didn't look up but started stepping to the side to go around them, when a large, strong hand grabbed my upper arm, stopping me in my tracks.


  1. Chris - @nylonlover69 on TwitterSeptember 24, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    Effing Luke... That boy is going to be trouble.

    Such an odd diet... "I can't eat unless someone offers it to me..."
